Monday, April 16, 2012

Casual Tea Ceremony Kitsuke - April

This past Saturday was another one of our tea ceremony group's more casual practice sessions (since sensei was not in town). We were lucky to have many visitors this week! I was surely surprised by how many showed up! I always love that we can share this love of Japanese culture with others.

Since the ceremony was really just practice and education, I didn't go by formal tea ceremony rules regarding kitsuke - and neither did Josh. I wore one of my newest kimono and opted to do a more modern look. I used my light pink kimono (with small cat's faces!) and the gingham obi, with an orange obi age and a white obijime. I used a rose obi dome, the black nagajuban with cherry blossoms, and a green haneri with cherry blossoms to tie in the spring season.

Josh wore his nice green tsumugi kimono and a new cream obi and setta, but no hakama.

Though not orthodox, I still think everything looked very nice! =D Since sensei will be in town for the next practice, I will pick regular tea ceremony kitsuke. Considering it is already in the 80s here, I may opt for ro, if a little early by the calendar.

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