Where to Buy Kimono

I often am asked, "What are some good places to buy kimono?" So, here's a list I have compiled of trustworthy places to purchase kimono that will ship internationally (however, always check to be sure shops will ship to your specific country). I also have noted whether or not they speak English, the condition of the merchandise they sell, and any helpful comments.

Site Name Speaks English? Merchandise Comments
Ohio Kimono Yes mostly vintage US-based seller
Shinei Yes mostly vintage Higher shipping costs due to all packages being registered, also sells tea implements
Ichiroya Yes mostly vintage Helpful staff, weekly newsletter
Sou Yes mostly vintage Under same company as Shinei, free shipping (prices slightly higher than some other sites as a result)
Kimono Machi* Yes new Lots of modern patterns, some custom and taller sized kimono available, can use PayPal
Kyoetsu Orosiya* Yes new Lots of men's items
Soubien* Yes new
Kururi Shikki* Yes new
Kimono Kirakuya* No new Sometimes carries taller kimono
Tosen* Very little new Often has deep discount items
Nakatomi* Yes new Sells mostly dance kimono and items
Kimono Nagomiya* Yes new Sometimes carries taller kimono
Auc-glyhana* No new
Auc-hanamizuki* No new
Oharibako* No new Specializes in accessories
Hakimonoya* No new Specializes in shoes
Kimono5298* No new
Kimono Yume* No new
Japanese Art and Design Yes mostly vintage eBay shop
Nisijin-Komonoya* Yes new
Yukata Kimono Market Sakura Yes both Items tend to be pricey for quality
Kyoto Kimono Cafe* ? new

*Denotes a global Rakuten shop. Sellers send price of shipping at later time for approval (watch that these emails don't end up in your spam folder!). In some cases, the shipping cost may not require approval and will automatically be charged. Note that most sellers ship via EMS, and the shipping can be expensive. Speak with the seller beforehand if you are concerned about the costs.