Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Word from MTAC

Originally, Mac and I were supposed to go together, but we broke up this month, so I ended up taking the whole drive alone to Nashville to go the 11th Middle Tennessee Anime Convention. It was not truly that big a deal since I was pumping the tunes and just feeling good in general that I was seeing my friends and had an amazing weekend ahead of me.

So on Friday, I dressed people in yukata at the Anime Blues Con booth. I had some very enthusiastic takers, but unfortunately no guys to let me practice my kai no kuchi musubi XP. My friend Sarah and I went to another friend's room party where we had way too much to drink and way too much fun ^_^. I met some very cool people that I hope I will see more of in the future. The party got shut down after some crazy guy trying to avoid security ran through the room.
Saturday was my yukata panel. I asked for a screen and projector, but got a TV, sound equipment, and no cables, so I threw out my PowerPoint presentation and just winged it. It went surprisingly well. I dressed two people from the audience and answered a lot of questions. I also helped a few girls with their kitsuke. Due to residual hangover, I went back to my room to rest for a few hours following my panel. In the evening, I helped my sister and friends to judge the cosplay contest at the Pokémon Party, which was bigger than ever! We had an amazing time for sure.

Sunday was a bust. I was supposed to do a panel on geisha, but since the presentation was highly visual, and I still had neither a screen and projector, nor even the TV that was there the day before, so I had to cancel the panel. I am sorry to everyone who wanted to attend, and hopefully, we'll try again next year. Good did come out of this in the fact that I was able to leave Nashville early enough to get home in time to see some family before they left back to Houston. And I got to meet up with a very amazing guy named Josh who I am seeing now. Who knows? Maybe I'll get him to wear kimono with me XP.

1 comment:

  1. You guys look so wonderful with yukata!
    And Cosplay is interesting...
    I love the last photo!^ ^
    And happy fateful encounter...
    Good luck♡
